

1920年至1932年 舊臺北北警察署位於現家樂福重慶店(臺北市大同區重慶北路二段171號),蔣渭水等人曾監禁於此

1932年(昭和7年) 新臺北北警察署8月8日於現址(臺北市大同區寧夏路87號)興工

1933年(昭和8年) 4月15日新臺北北警察署竣工,同年4月26日舉行新廳舍落成典禮

1945年(民國34年) 11月4日第一分局

1949年(民國38年) 刑警總隊

1985年(民國74年) 臺北市政府警察局寧夏分局

1990年(民國79年) 臺北市政府警察局大同分局

1998年(民國87年) 3月25日指定為市定古蹟(府民三字第8701538601號)

2006年(民國95年) 定位做為臺灣新文化運動紀念館籌備處

2012年(民國101年) 臺北市政府警察局大同分局喬遷新址(臺北市大同區錦西街200號)

2018年(民國107年) 10月14日臺灣新文化運動紀念館正式開館,由臺北市政府文化局負責營運









The construction of the North Taipei Police Station had started on August 8, 1932 and completed on April 15, 1933. The building of North Taipei Police Station was designed by the Construction Section of the Government-General of Taiwan. The building has a streamline shape and a gate on the corner. The brown titles on the cover of a pair of modified Western-style pillars were produced by the Beitou Kilns and have worked as camouflage against air bombing. There are a fan-shaped detention room and a water dungeon on the ground floor of the building of North Taipei Police Station as evidence of the police authority.

After 1945, the North Taipei Police Station has been re-organized into the Taipei City Police Department. The first post-1945 user of the building of former North Taipei Police Station was the Criminal Investigation Corps, which was followed by the Taipei City First Precinct and the Datong Police Precinct. The building of North Taipei Police Station was designed as a Taipei City heritage site on March 25, 1998, for it is the only remaining police building of 1930s in Taipei City. Particularly, the well-preserved detention room and water dungeon significantly demonstrate the characteristics of a police station. For further space utilization and facility maintenance, the Taipei City Government designated the building of North Taipei Police Station as the Taiwan New Cultural Movement Memorial Museum in 2006.

On January 1, 2014, the building of North Taipei Police Station was closed for three-year long heritage site renovation. After the space layout was restored to the style of Taiwan under Japanese rule, the former North Taipei Police Station building based Taiwan New Cultural Movement Memorial Museum opened on October 14, 2018.