1933 年的《臺灣人士鑑》,記錄了臺灣重要人物的姓名、職業經歷等基本資料,其中最為特別的是「趣味」一欄,寫的是他們的興趣嗜好。中文的「趣味」是表示有趣,具有引人愉快的特點;但日文的「趣味(しゅみ)」,可以直接理解成興趣嗜好,進一步的解釋是具有正向意義、持續培養,有益身心發展的興趣。
作為臺灣文化協會宣傳管道之一的《臺灣民報》,引用 Frederick Howe 的見解:「國民的文化程度要看其國民如何打發勞動以外的時間」,強調必須要選擇「正當的興趣」,並進一步說明好的生活,是建立於正當的興趣、工作與休息三者之上,從中可知當時所談論的「興趣」,就跟趣味一樣,要對人有著正向提升的功能。
Adhering to the concept of “diligence is beneficial, playing isn’t”, the agricultural lifestyle has been at the core of traditional society in Taiwan. The only leisure time for hard-working farmers was during festivals where they made offerings to the gods. After the Japanese colonial period, new lifestyles and adjustments of the calendar and time system have given people more free time. In addition, the habits and rhythm of leisure for Taiwanese people have altered since the appearance of new forms of entertainment, such as photography and phonographs, as well as various recreational public spaces such as parks, zoos, and beaches.
The Guide to Taiwanese People from 1933 recorded some basic information on important people in Taiwan, such as their names and professional experiences. The most special was the “hobby” field that noted people’s interests. In the Chinese language, “interest” generally means something that is fun and enjoyable, but it can signify “hobbies” in the Japanese language, with further explanation that it is an interest with positive significance and beneficial for the physical and mental development when cultivated persistently.
As one of the publicity channels for the Taiwanese Cultural Association, the Taiwan Minbao (Taiwan People’s Paper) quoted from Frederick Howe: “The cultural level of a civilization depends on how the citizens spend their time outside of work”. The paper also emphasized the need to choose “proper interests” and explained that a good life rested upon three main elements: proper interests, work, and rest. Evidently, they believed that “interests” must serve the function to lift people up in a positive manner.
During the coexistence of new and old concepts during the Japanese colonial period, the interpretation of leisure also depended on each person. For example, the much-criticized Taiwanese operas and the game of mahjong still had the favor of many intellectuals - some were even addicted to them. Meanwhile, the Governor-General of Taiwan deliberately supported or encouraged hobbies and leisure activities opposed by members of the cultural association to go against social movements. In general, intellectuals hoped to enhance the overall social culture and public soft power by promoting beneficial hobbies and activities. For colonial rulers, providing the public with time and space to cultivate leisure activities was also a means to gain the support of the people while demonstrating the power of the empire. Therefore, the Japanese colonial era became Taiwan’s period of bloom. Looking at the interests and leisure activities in Taiwan a century ago, it is also possible to explore the transformation of the social lifestyle of that time.
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Have Fun in the Early Twentieth Century!